May 19, 2015
ShareWanting to drop fat, improve health and energy, Click here and get your FREE Ebook, then Today we’ll hit caffeine. Note – I said caffeine and not coffee. I’d say 90% of people enjoy a cup of coffee, it’s almost become a “part of daily life”, and for some a second home with Starbucks, Costa, and […]
May 18, 2015
ShareSo, a few weeks back I was approached, with a promotion for a new “Healthier Gourmet Coffee”. I’ve been contacted a number of times by individuals looking to promote Supplement/pills/Aloe products etc, and apart from the initial pitch of “I have a product that might interest your customers, and earn you additional income!! putting […]
May 18, 2015
ShareYou can get ALL the fundamentals for Fat Loss and Better energy by clicking here. – Why you need to limit Wheat gluten, and better alternatives. From personal PT experience (Which is where I base most of my views and results from – and they aren’t bad if you wanna check here!) 4 in 5 people […]