October, 2014 |

October 27, 2014

ShareSo talking with a new PT client yesterday brought this to the front….. When looking to lose weight, LESS is NOT always more. By this I mean, it’s not about “reducing” what you eat. For sure, if you’re eating cakes, biscuits, crisps, daily, alcohol is in at weekends and a few times during the week, bread is a […]

October 3, 2014

Share So what’s the hardest step when trying something new? Keeping it going? Maintaining? I personally think it’s getting going/started. Lot’s of times there’s the subconscious voices  in the head;   – Maybe later – It’s on my to do list – Hmmmm, not sure if I can….. – But, what if…… – I’ll think […]

October 3, 2014

ShareSo, a common questions, and was asked this morning; “What’s best for weightloss, Cardio or weights/resistance training?“ My straight forward, smart-arse answer would be; ‘A regular diet, clear of sugar, and full of natural foods, protein and fats” but I’m not like that………..not today anyway! BUT – sling weight regularly is about; – Getting a […]