April 16, 2015
Share** When you’ve had enough of diets and ineffective plans, and just want the FACTS that work! ** Fed up feeling tired, waking with aches and pains? Frustrated you’re only using a fraction of your wardrobe? Discover how to have “All-Day” Energy level, and Improve your Sleep 7 Principles that will flatten your stomach, […]
April 16, 2015
ShareClick here and get my FREE 16 Page IMPROVE YOU ebook with nearly 4,000 downloads! So why do we feel so much better when the sun’s out?! Well, our body produces a hormone called serotonin, which is responsible, amongst other things for feeling happy, (Also helps with memory and appetite regulation) and upbeat! People who […]
April 1, 2015
ShareI’m often asked my thoughts on juicing – so I give them! Asked again yesterday, so here it is if you’ve missed previous ones; “Just finished with a Jason Vale fresh (fruit and vegetable) juicing detox. Was supposed to be for 28 days but training, walking and fighting a bad cold with nothing but […]