The FACTS on everything you need for results! |


Earlier this week I had the pleasure of chatting to my mate and mentor Paul Mort, (aka The Bootcamp King) about goal setting, fat loss, health, foods you should and shouldn’t eat, things that will continue to make you fat, and why some people need to be more careful than others when it comes to eating and drinking!

We both like to chat, so this wasn’t going to be a short interview!

It is 30mins long, but if you can set the time aside to listen to ALL of it, I think you’ll get some valuable information that will help you achieve your goals and targets.

Feel free to send the link to friends, family, twitter (Tweet button above!) and I’d love to hear your comments, by posting them below.

I’ll be aiming to chat with Paul again in the New Year, and we’ll cover some more FACTS!

Paul Mort Fat Loss Interview from Mark Raynsford on Vimeo.


Tags: paul mort