July 22, 2016
ShareFriday summary and thoughts from the week 1) Don’t spend too long in your head. The more you sit with a problem, the more your brain will sieve through past stories and happenings to make it appear real, to bring more questions and thoughts to the situation Equally it can have positive benefits if you’re […]
July 20, 2016
Share Got/had a very simple lesson yesterday. The end of year school reports came home, and for my eldest who is in her last year before Secondary school, her SATS results too! Thankfully they were great, but her Maths ones had certainly improved from the last year, and I asked her; “What […]
July 19, 2016
Share2 phrases, but very different meanings and actions. ————————————————- I’ve had a few conversations recently and the former “Could” has come up a few times. Over the last 10 days, I’ve spoken to a number of people who were struggling in one way or another; – Sticking to foods they KNOW they should be eating […]
July 15, 2016
Share Summary of thoughts and questions I’ve been asked this week ; 1) Convenience Bought some pre-packed frozen smoothie bags this week. Great and tasty but pretty expensive, but you’re paying for the convenience. As ever planing and preparation will remove the need for convenience most of the time (sure, convenience will never disappear) but […]
July 13, 2016
Share 5 BIG social factors or emotions that cause Disconnect and Overwhelm. 1. It’s impossible. Best advice is to be YOU. You are individual and those who you resonate with, will be the ones who matter. 2. The Brain doesn’t like change. It likes habit and routine, yet change is how we adapt, improve and […]