So, come January, or even during the year, the gym seems to be THE place to go when you’ve decided to lose a few pounds or get in shape?! That’s fair enough…….most others go there, or talk about it. They have nice shiny equipment, people to take you through an induction, you see others sweating […]
Well this Summer you don’t have much choice in the UK really!? BUT, many people are put off by exercising in the rain….they see black clouds and a chance of rain, and bin their workout, or are often told by others that training in the rain is a necessity or way of life. But […]
The infamous 6 pack! To some the holygrail of training and a great physique, the “must have” item of fitness, to others something you keep cold in the fridge and drink at weekends! Whilst this article will focus more on the movements & exercises for training abs, let me state first that without a “good”, […]
There are lots of pieces of “home” gym kit available, many are crap and many are overpriced. If you want something that will cost about a tenner, here ya go; So, on first look it appears to be a flat gym/fitball – well to a degree yes. Step 1 – Take agymball, and attach […]
Joining a gym can be a daunting time – the choice of equipment, the weights area, the workouts themselves! In this article I’m going to tell you why often, the shiniest, smartest looking equipment, isn’t often the best to use for results, or when choosing a gym. Gym machines, or the smart, shiny looking kit […]