June 23, 2016
ShareWe’re great at procrastinating. Remember the more successful people, who get more done, don’t have more time – they just make the best use of it. Here’s some help with achieving that. OK, so how can you be more focussed on a task at hand, and get it done sharpish, rather than […]
June 8, 2016
ShareWhen you feel FEARful and are going round in circles ====================================== When we’re faced with a new challenge or dilemma, it’s only natural for our brains to create a bit of worry and apprehension. You see, our brains #1 role, is to keep us safe. Our senses are continually scanning every environment we move into […]
June 6, 2016
ShareSomething we’ve all done before is over-worry. – About a possible outcome – not really KNOWING what will happen, but overthinking until we leave our brain with no option but to scan past occurrences, and cobble together some BS scenario that is marginally close to the current one, yet fits the “future projection”. – Something […]