New Year Goals, resolutions, plans – Do they work?! |


First off, Happy New Year!

So, most people have great intentions at the moment, lot’s of ideas, and plans running around the mind – but do many actually get past the first week of Jan, or even written down on paper and properly planned?

Well, this NEEDS to happen if you want to make your resolution, target, goal or plan REAL.

I posted on my Facebook page yesterday;

“New Year Resolutions” or “goals”, “plans” or “targets” are for the year, NOT just for Christmas!

They are the result of planning, determination, commitment, sometimes restriction. But in the end, it’s the satisfaction of what you’ve achieved; while many others are still just talking about “plans” !

To 2013………….

This is very true – anything you want in life you must work for and results of a plan are just that. I’d serioulsly check the series or articles I wrote last year which will tell you how to plan, set and achieve your goal.

It’s up to you……….. icon_wink-3714357
